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Unlock the secrets to a thriving garden, even in the shade!

How to Grow Vegetables and Herbs in a Shady Garden

Unlock the secrets of gardening in the shade! This enlightening ebook will teach you how to grow your own fresh, organic edibles even in challenging shady spaces with our proven strategies.
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  • Grow your own delicious, organic vegetables and herbs even if your yard is in the shade...
  • even if you're limited to a patio or balcony...
  • even if you don't know where to start!

How to Grow Vegetables and Herbs in a Shady Garden

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How to Grow Vegetables and Herbs in a Shady Garden

  • Learn how to choose the herbs and vegetables that will grow best in partial shade and in filtered sunlight.
  • Understand how to choose the best location you have available.
  • Learn techniques to boost your available sunlight.
  • Discover how to supplement the light when you don't have enough, such as on a balcony or covered patio.
  • Recognize that sometimes shade is a good thing! You'll find out how to use what many people think is a disadvantage.

How to Grow Vegetables and Herbs in a Shady Garden

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Kathi Rodgers

After decades of gardening in many different areas of the USA, Kathi Rodgers has extensive experience with varying climates and soils and has learned how to garden effectively in spite of the challenges.

At the heart of Kathi's approach is a simple philosophy, empowering people to grow their own food, whatever their space constraints. Her teaching style takes you beyond just theory, offering practical insights, tricks, and tips that ensure your garden flourishes.

Don't let your lack of sunlight limit your garden dreams. "How to Grow Vegetables and Herbs in a Shady Garden" will help you work around your challenges and grow delicious, healthy food!

How to Grow Vegetables and Herbs in a Shady Garden

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